The Starry Night后隐藏的数学奥秘 –摘自ted

体育电竞 admin 2023-09-04 16:40 58 0

1. In "The Starry Night," his circular brushstrokes create night sky filled with swirling clouds and eddies of stars.

在画作《星月夜》里,他用漩涡状的笔触画出充满卷云和涡状星星的夜空 Van Gogh and other Impressionists represented light in a different way than。

their predecessors, seeming to capture its motion,梵高和后期印象派画家以另一种形式呈现光影,而前期画家则是著重於刻画动作, for instance, across sun-dappled

waters, or here in star light that twinkles and melts through milky waves of blue night sky.例如:阳光斑驳的水面在湛蓝夜空中,加

上乳白色波浪线条画出摇曳的星光 The effect is caused by luminance, the intensity of the light in the colors on the canvas.。

这个效果是光的亮度,也就是油画中色彩强度造成的2.They concluded that paintings from Van Goghs period of psychotic agitation behave remarkably similar to fluid

turbulence.他们认为梵高精神bing期间的作品精准画出紊流的型态 His self-portrait with a pipe, from a calmer period in Van Goghs life, showed。

no sign of this correspondence.而平稳期间叼着烟斗的自画像则不符合紊流的结构 And neither did other artists work that seemed equally turbulent at first glance,。

like Munchs "The Scream."其他画家所作类似紊流的画如孟克的《吶喊》,也不符合 While its too easy to say Van Goghs turbulent genius enabled him to depict。

turbulence,虽然我们可以说是梵高的天赋让他描绘出紊流的结构, its also far too difficult to accurately express the rousing beauty of the fact

that in a period of intense suffering,但是人们很难在承受痛苦时精准表达如此困难的概念, Van Gogh was somehow able to perceive and represent one of the most

supremely difficult concepts nature has ever brought before mankind,梵高竟然能够理解并呈现世界上最深奥复杂的概念,甚至早于人类出现的概念,

and to unite his unique minds eye with the deepest mysteries of movement, fluid and light.并用他独特的慧眼看透移动、水流和光影

